administrative fee

英 [ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv fiː] 美 [ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtɪv fiː]




  1. You are required to pay an administrative fee annually until the nls loan and interest accrued thereon are fully repaid.
  2. Support to extra-budgetary administrative structure ( account) Be free of any administrative fee for industrial project.
  3. An administrative fee, to cover the full costs of processing and administering the NLS loans, is chargeable for each application and annually thereafter until the nls loan is fully repaid.
  4. Analysis of the Problems and Improvement of Administrative Litigation Fee System
  5. An administrative fee is payable on each application.
  6. One is to promote rural reforms with rural tax and administrative fee reforms as the central task.
  7. TEDA has eliminated all the administrative fees concerning operation of enterprises, except for three fees required by State laws: Enterprise Registration Fee, Tax Registration Fee and Land Use Fee.
  8. The bank may charge a reasonable administrative fee for handling large amounts of cash deposits.
  9. Responsible for the department budget and execution, optimize administrative fee system.
  10. Article 47 State administrative organs shall collect fees strictly according to law, limit fee collection items and scope and standards of fee collection.
  11. The administrative fee is subject to review regularly.
  12. The proportion for an organization for collective administration of copyright to draw the administrative fee shall gradually decrease with the increase of the income of royalties.
  13. The only upfront cost is an administrative fee of$ 199, Tia Viering said, and sponsors pay any other expenses.
  14. From the view of development, the implementation of rural tax and administrative fee reforms and its matching measures shall bring positive action to the development of rural compulsory education.
  15. It is a fund of forestry investment rather than an administrative fee. Therefore, it should not be taxed as other management fees.
  16. In this research, We think rural tax and administrative fee reform is a comprehensive reforms, and it will bring great influence in rural society.
  17. Studies on Land-Record System in Levying of Administrative Fee in China
  18. The rule of the administrative law can not be able to adjust all the situations of the field, and at the same time, the basic principles are too wide to control fee judges.
  19. In the land-record system which was designed to guarantee the levying of administrative fee, the land administrator ( administrative organizations) holds the record filing right on the land, which is a property priority right.
  20. In the meantime shows clearly the specific constitution of our Commonweal administrative suit system on the suit range, suit party competency, suit program setting, suit fee and prevention of excessive suit and so on.
  21. On China finance payout function structure's departure with public finance& Take administrative management fee payout as analysis angle
  22. Administrative Regulations on Pollution Discharge Fee Levy
  23. The arbitration fee should be divided into administrative fee of the arbitration institution and arbitrators 'remuneration and this should be made clear in the arbitration rules;
  24. So few scholars study the problems of the real estate administrative fees, not to mention combining tax with fee of the real estate enterprise in one empirical research.
  25. The transportation fees is that the traffic administrative department in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council and the provincial ( town) government levies the fee, which is used to construct and maintenance transportation infrastructures, on the owner or user of ships 、 vehicles.
  26. This part mainly analyzes tax system reform lag, double taxation, tax collection harsh, unreasonable tax provision, inconsistent tax policy, etc. ( 3) Government administrative fee.